Elers Karate New Zealand

Elers Karate Academy is changing the name to 'Davis Karate Academy' soon.
A new website is available 'www.daviskarate.webs.com'.

Elers Karate had another successul tournament result at the Counties Shotokan Karate Tournament  (31 March 2012). 


 Elers Karate

New Zealand Shito-ryu Karate Headquarters

Junior Karate (5-11 years old): Thursday 6-7pm

Adult Karate (12 yrs old and above): Monday and Thursday 7-8pm


Just turn up at St. John Church Hall: 13 Camden St, Feilding for two free lessons.

6 months membership (no free uniform) or 12 months membership with FREE karate uniform

Opportunity to travel to Japan and USA for training and competing at tournaments.

Contact: Miho Elers (chief instructor)  
elerskarate@gmail.com027 7777 031/ 323 0436        


NEWS - The 9th International Shito-ryu Karate-Do Championship will be held in Osaka, Japan in 2013. 

If you are a EKA member and interested in going to Japan in 2013, come and talk to Sensei Miho anytime.



St. John Church Hall - 13 Camden St, Feilding, New Zealand